Management would like to remind you that admission to the Residence Macinelle requires the acceptance and full compliance with the following regulations, in order to ensure a peaceful and pleasant stay for everyone.
- One parking space is reserved for each Apartment. Parking spaces are not assigned, and the management reserves the right to notify each guest of any request to change parking spaces in order not to hold up the regular traffic. After the booking phase, the model and license plate number of the vehicle will be requested. The access of VEHICLES (one for each accommodation) is allowed only after registration of the license plate number during check-in. You are required to verify that the registered license plate number is correct and report inconsistencies, if any.
Management is authorized to prohibit access to the property or remove vehicles within the property that are not correctly registered. Please drive on the roads inside the grounds of the apartment resort keeping a walking pace, never exceeding 10 km/h. Traffic is prohibited during nighttime hours (11 p.m.-7 a.m.). Between 1:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m., please respect the quiet hours in the afternoon and thus avoid disturbing other guests. - QUIET HOURS AT NIGHT: 11:00 P.M.-7:00 A.M. During the hours of rest, you must be quiet and not disturb the peace of others. During these hours, it is forbidden to enter and leave the property and drive motor vehicles inside the Residence. Noises that disturb the rest of guests in any way are strictly prohibited. Management reserves the right to expel without delay those guests, who by their behavior, were to disturb the peace of others.
- Adults are directly responsible for the behavior of their children and pets. You must be careful that their liveliness does not disturb other guests. Furthermore, children should always be accompanied by an adult person in the pool and should be supervised while swimming in the Sea.
- Access to DOGS OR SMALL PETS is allowed but in full compliance with the hygienic and sanitary regulations provided by the relevant authorities and those imposed by the Management. Dogs must be kept on a leash. Droppings must always be picked up and thrown away in the appropriate bins. Pet access is subject to an additional fee of 10€/night.
- Your cooperation is indispensable to us for keeping THE RESIDENCE AND THE BEACH CLEAN, and, in particular, in the sanitary facilities. Sinks, toilet are to be used as directed. It is absolutely forbidden to pour any liquid in the green areas or on the roads of the Residence. Waste sorting is to be observed both at the Beach as well as inside the Residence. If necessary, please ask the staff members for more information.
- In the accommodations, CHECK-IN can take place between 3:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. while CHECK-OUT can take place between 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m.
Upon authorization from the Management and based on availability, guests are allowed to stay inside the facility beyond the check-out time.
The Guest will be charged the fee for the additional half day. - The entry of day guests is possible after notifying the Management and obtaining their permission.
- gettare rifiuti fuori dagli appositi contenitori;
- scavare nel terreno buche e canaletti;
- accendere fuochi all'aperto;
- danneggiare la vegetazione, versare sul terreno oli, carburanti, liquidi bollenti, salati o di rifiuto;
- lavare auto o altri mezzi all’interno della struttura
- sprecare od usare impropriamente l’acqua;
- stendere o fare recinzioni, tirare corde ad altezza uomo ed installare quant’altro possa costituire potenziale pericolo ed essere di intralcio al libero passaggio (ogni installazione non autorizzata verrà rimossa senza preavviso).
- La Direzione non risponde di eventuali DANNEGGIAMENTI, SMARRIMENTI O ASPORTAZIONI di oggetti di proprietà degli ospiti. Gli oggetti rinvenuti nell’ambito della struttura devono essere consegnati alla Reception per gli adempimenti prescritti dalla legge e per provvedere a restituirlo al legittimo proprietario. Si consiglia di fare attenzione agli effetti personali e di adottare le dovute precauzioni. Denaro e oggetti preziosi non vanno lasciati incustoditi all’interno degli appartamenti ed aree comini. Si consiglia di non lasciare nell’automobile oggetti di valore come apparecchi fotografici, videocamere ecc.
- La Direzione non risponde di eventuali DANNI conseguenti calamità naturali, caduta piante o rami. L’uso della piscina e delle attrezzature sarà a proprio rischio e pericolo. La Direzione declina ogni responsabilità per incidenti di qualsiasi genere che potrebbero verificarsi all’interno del Residence nonché durante il bagno in spiaggia.
- Si prega cortesemente di informare la Direzione di eventuali GUASTI alle attrezzature o disservizi all’interno del Residence. Garantiamo nel limite del possibile un sollecito intervento. In caso di controversie con altri ospiti del campeggio, Vi preghiamo di evitare qualsiasi discussione e di rivolgervi direttamente alla Direzione.
- Il PAGAMENTO DEL SOGGIORNO per gli alloggi deve essere effettuato durantre la fase di check in. I pagamenti possono essere effettuati in contanti (con un limite massimo di €4999), con carte di credito quali Maestro, Visa, MasterCard o carte Bancomat.
- Alla PARTENZA, Vi preghiamo di lasciare l’alloggio negli orari previsti.
Le spese di pulizia finali sono comprese nel prezzo.